Plus Three has the tools and — just as importantly — the strategic know-how needed to build your base, engage a diverse audience, drive the debate, and win elections.
We’ll give you everything you need to helm your fantasy campaign, from a scrappy local election to a sleek national run for office. We guarantee you your best shot.
Build Your Base
Finding new activists and donors isn’t just for practitioners of the occult — it’s really just a matter of solid fundamentals: solid organic growth, careful acquisition, and cross-channel marketing driven by sophisticated modeling and analysis.
Plus Three can help you grow your list by helping you set realistic, achievable goals. We’ll develop a data-driven strategy with you, monitor your progress, and recommend fine-tuning along the way.
It’s a proven approach that makes use of a few key tactics:
+ Large & Responsive List
We apply a three-pronged strategy to find new members and activists willing to take up the charge of your organization. We rely on organic growth, acquire new members carefully, and use our modeling and analysis tools to inform the way we market across channels.
+ High Quality Content
The words you use to convey your messaging make all the difference in the world. Evocative prose with an engaging, distinctive voice will help your organization go the distance. We know how to drive folks, how to incentivize them. We know what matters to people.
Go Deep in the Weeds
When we talk about data analysis and modeling, we’re not just talking about pie charts. Plus Three has its finger on the pulse of the demographic shifts that are changing the landscape of the country — all because of the way we read data.
We constantly analyze these shifts to better understand where voters are moving, how to properly engage a diverse base of donors, how to plan social media campaigns, and how to leverage these insights to engage disparate but like-minded communities.
To see our strategy at work, check out Plus Three’s analyses of the growing influence of Latino Donors and African American Investment in Democratic Presidential Candidates.

Engage a Diverse Audience
There’s a time and a place for going after a nice demographic, but nonprofits are now realizing: if you aren’t reaching out to a diverse audience, you aren’t giving yourself your best shot.
Plus Three is a minority and woman-owned company. We have extensive experience working with organizations that reflect our own values, nonprofits that engage Black and Latino populations, women, the Jewish and LGBTQ+ communities, and others.
While we approach each project uniquely, the fundamentals are ultimately the same: direct email marketing, community outreach through social networks and events, partner and affiliate marketing, and targeting advertising.
Plus Three has produced some of the highest profile national campaigns for Latino nonprofits. We’ve raised more money online for Latino nonprofits and candidates than anyone in the country. We’ve done similarly for Jewish organizations, too. We’re proud of our work increasing donations for Jewish Federations and nonprofits across the country.
Check out some of the work we’ve done with Latino, African American, LGTBQ, Jewish, and women-focused nonprofits.

Drive the Debate
Plus Three has successfully driven advocacy campaigns for nonprofits and political groups across the country, including advocacy campaigns to see Sonia Sotomayor confirmed as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, driving the resignation of Lou Dobbs from CNN, and the passing of the Voting Rights Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006 in our work for the NAACP.
We’re stating the obvious here, but no matter the size of your organization, you need supporters. Taking control of the debate requires you to grow your base and engage them across all manner of channels. You need to communicate eloquently, passionately, and clearly, responding quickly to the changing of the tides. You need to be equipped with the tools they need to be your advocates.
ARCOS, our tech platform, has a complete suite of online advocacy tools people need to be your cheerleaders, including:
- Petitions
- Tell-a-friend and Volunteer Directories
- Event and Event Directories
- Contact Your Elected Officials
Fill Up the War Chest
Conventional wisdom would have you believe that the Internet is a virtual ATM for political and nonprofit fundraising. The reality is different. While online fundraising provides plenty of benefits over direct mail and telemarketing, even the most sophisticated organizations work to the bone to retain online donors and activists. The Internet is a stadium filled with screaming fans. You have to find a way to be heard.
Our approach to online fundraising is supported by four pillars:
+ Provide the Best Online Fundraising Tools Available.
Our ARCOS tech platform includes all the fundraising tools you need to succeed, including easily customizable one-time and recurring giving forms, tribute giving, community fundraising, itemized giving, membership purchase and renewal, in-language giving, ticket purchase, A/B testing, and telemarketing. We lead the industry in ease-of-use, flexibility, security, and stability.
+ Make It Easy.
Our tools make it simple to create and manage even the most advanced fundraising pages, campaigns, and emails. Your fundraising tools are on the same platform as your website, donor database, and email delivery tools, so you're not stuck trying to coordinate multiple systems that don't play nice with each other. Finely segmenting your list is a breeze. Real-time reporting and analytics are built-in so you can maximize your results with minimum effort.
+ Make It Cost-Effective.
Our fees are limited to one-time setup fees and a simple monthly hosting and support fee. We don't charge per-contribution, per-email, or per-user fees, and we don't hold onto your money—every dollar you raise goes straight from the donor to your bank account.
+ Be a Trusted Resource
We have two decades of experience in online fundraising and have raised over $500 million. Need help? We can provide as much or as little support as you need to plan a successful program.

Get Yourself Elected
Plus Three has a sterling record of success in the political sector. Our client roster has included campaigns, committees, and PACs at the federal, state, and local levels, including the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional and Senatorial Campaign Committees, John Kerry for President, John Edwards for President, Bill Richardson for President, federal and state senatorial and congressional races, and several state-level Democratic Parties.
All that’s to say, we know what we’re talking about — and we know how to get it done. We have the track record and case studies to prove it.