Nine Black Organizations Breaking Boundaries
Posted on 02/04/2021 @ 06:20 AM

Black history is American history. Every month, regardless of official designation, is Black history month. To honor the contributions that Black Americans have made to our country, Plus Three is excited to share a curated list of nine Black-focused or Black-run organizations that are changing America for the better. Each one of these organizations is a leader in their field, and each one is doing their part to ensure that Black Americans have the same rights, access, and support as their non-Black counterparts. If you’re looking for organizations to give to, you’ll find each one of these organizations worthy of your dime. Nobody’s free until everybody’s free.

The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation
The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation strives to cultivate institutional base-building capacity and intergenerational leadership models at the local, state, and national levels. In other words, the NCBCP believes that educating, motivating, organizing, and mobilizing Black communities is the key to full participation in a barrier-free democratic process. Using technology, educational programming, and civic leadership training, the NCBCP expands, strengthens, and empowers Black communities across the nation.

Thurgood Marshall College Fund
The Thurgood Marshall College Fund provides unparalleled access to a funnel of opportunities for students to journey to college, through college and into a career. Despite the universal challenges that face today’s college bound student, TMCF transforms the lives of thousands of students each year. TMCF boasts an 80-90% graduation rate of its Scholars – compared to a 40% graduation rate for Black/AA students overall, 37% graduation rate for students attending HBCUs, and a 62% graduation rate for all students irrespective of race/nationality or whether they attended an HBCU.

The Audre Lorde Project
The Audre Lorde Project is a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit, Trans and Gender Non Conforming People of Color center for community organizing, focusing on the New York City area. Through mobilization, education and capacity-building, we work for community wellness and progressive social and economic justice. Committed to struggling across differences, we seek to responsibly reflect, represent and serve our various communities. Named for the poet Audre Lorde, the ALP works with LGBTSTGNC people of color organizations and communities across differences of race/ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, and life experiences to develop and implement culturally specific and effective programs and services reflecting the needs of our communities.

Center for Black Equity
The Center for Black Equity seeks to promote a multinational LGBTQ+ network dedicated to improving health and wellness opportunities, economic empowerment, and equal rights while promoting individual and collective work, responsibility, and self-determination. To do this, the CBE hopes to build a global network of LGBTQ+ individuals, allies, community-based organizations and Prides dedicated to achieving equality and social justice for Black LGBTQ+ communities through economic equity, health equity, and social equity.

National Urban League
Since 1910, the National Urban League has been collaborating at the national and local levels with community leaders, policymakers, and corporate partners to elevate the standards of living for African Americans and other historically underserved groups. The Urban League is committed to economic empowerment, equality, and social justice. They have 90 affiliates serving 300 communities in 37 states and D.C. They spearhead the development of social programs and authoritative public policy research, and they advocate for policies and services that close the equality gap.

The Loveland Foundation
The Loveland Foundation is committed to showing up for communities of color in unique and powerful ways, which a particular focus on Black women and girls. Your donation to the Loveland Foundation makes it possible for Black women and girls nationally to receive therapy support. The goal is to bring opportunity and healing to communities of color. They offer fellowships, residency programs, listening tours, and hope to contribute to both the empowerment and the liberation of the communities they serve.

Fair Fight
Fair Fight, the brainchild of Georgian hero Stacey Abrams, promotes fair elections in Georgia and around the country, encourages participations in elections, and educates voters about elections and their voting rights. They bring awareness to the public on election reform, advocates for election reform at all levels, and engages in other voter education programs and communications. Fair Fight Action engages in voter mobilization and education activities and advocates for progressive issues; in addition, Fair Fight Action has mounted significant programs to combat voter suppression in Georgia and nationally.

The Congressional Black Caucus PAC
The Congressional Black Caucus PAC works tirelessly to increase the number of Black Members of the US Congress. We also strive to support Non-Black Candidates who will champion the needs and interests of the Black Community. Most importantly, the CBCPAC promotes participation of Black Americans in the political process. They support candidates and members who will serve their communities with passion, dignity and above all else integrity. The CBCPAC is committed to advancing the issues that matter to all members of the communities we are privileged to serve, regardless of race, color, or creed.

What can we say about the NAACP that hasn’t already been said about our country’s largest and most pre-eminent civil rights organization? Founded in 1909, the NAACP has over 2,200 units and branches across the country and boasts over two million activities. Their mission is to secure political, educational, social, and economic rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all people. In short, the NAACP seeks to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race.